Pathway Health at Illinois Health Care Association’s 63rd Annual Convention & Trade Show

Sue and Cheryl are exhibiting at this year’s Illinois Health Care Association’s 63rd Annual Convention & Trade Show Sept. 9-12, one of the largest and best-attended long-term care conventions and trade shows. This year’s theme, “The Champion Within,” represents the dedication, training and winning spirit of all long-term care professionals. For insight from a Pathway Health subject matter expert, be sure to attend Sue’s presentation!

Sue LaGrange – Wednesday, Sept. 11
10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
“Restorative Toileting Program”

Make sure to visit booth #601 to find out how Pathway Health’s insight, expertise and knowledge can help take your organization to the next level. We look forward to connecting with IHCA attendees through our presentations and at our booth.