INTERACT for Clinicians


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This course is self paced and is an overview of INTERACT® and Operational Strategies. Understanding and implementing INTERACT Quality Improvement Program (QIP) is critical to post-acute care organizations as they prepare for the future of health care. Bundled payment, Medicare share programs, payment reform, Accountable Care Organizations, and integrated health networks are formulating across the nation at a rapid pace.

Post-acute care leaders must align their organization with other health care providers in order to meet the demands of the new health care environment-Value Based Purchasing. The first step in the implementation of VBP is the reduction of unnecessary readmissions to the acute care setting. Preventing unnecessary hospital readmissions is essential for quality, compliance and now, will be a fiscally crucial step with Value Based Purchasing and the Readmission Measures.

Target Audience:

This course is intended for Clinicians, including Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, other Advance Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants. The course may also be helpful for Doctors of Pharmacy, Psychologists, and other Geriatrics Health Professionals.

Elements of the Course will also be helpful for physicians who serve as Medical Directors and other health professionals who serve in administrative roles in post-acute and long-term care.


Upon the completion of this training session, the attendee will be able to:

1. Describe the current landscape of health care reform and funding that make the INTERACT™ an essential QI initiative for post-acute and long-term care organizations

2. Articulate the key strategies that form the foundation of the INTERACT™ QIP

3. Understand how to optimally utilize INTERACT™ QIP tools and resources

4. Define key strategies for successful INTERACT™ QIP implementation, including how INTERACT™ can help meet QAPI requirements

5. Define key strategies for successfully sustaining the INTERACT™ QIP implementation processes

6. Measure and track organization-specific INTERACT™ QIP implementation processes

7. Measure and track organization-specific INTERACT™ QIP hospitalization and other related outcomes

8. Report and interpret feedback on INTERACT™ QIP implementation and outcomes to the facility team and leadership

9. Demonstrate an ability to effectively educate facility staff on the INTERACT™ QIP

10. Understand how to complete the INTERACT Certified Champion training certification process


This course takes approximately 2 hours to complete.  Once your order is placed you will receive a link to the course materials.

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